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Monroe Township High School

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Research Papers



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Use the EBSCO’s Discovery Service (EDS). Ebsco's Discovery Service for Monroe High School - It fully searches ALL Subscription Databases, eBooks, as well as Monroe's Digital and Print Collections!!

To access the EDS, Click on the EBSCO icon above and log in using the information provided to you during Media Center Orientation. Once you are in the EDS, Log in using your Monroe Issued Google account to create your own EBSCO folder. It's that easy!


The EDS search tool will search everything we own, including most of the databases we subscribe to!


If help is needed see Mr.Hinz.



 Research & Reference Resources


Research papers are formatted using the Modern Language Association's (MLA) format, a style that is used in the liberal arts and humanities. An exceptional reference source for MLA formatting is the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue.
 Online Subscription Databases (Remote Access Codes Available in Media Center or the LINK ABOVE) 
Databases, which are available from home, in both the core curriculum areas as well as cross content areas, are linked below. A password and user ID are needed for access. This information is available to students in the media center.
**EBSCO - Click on EBSCO Icon At Top of Page (Federated Search of Cross Curriculum Research Tools; useful for all subject areas)Provides more than 25 full-text periodical databases as well as 14 other separate exclusive databases (i.e. EbscohostWeb (periodicals); Points of View; Literature Reference Center; Student Research Center; Novelist, **Poetry & Short Story Reference Center, **eBook Collection, **Ebsco's Discovery Service, etc.
 JSTOR A Digital Archive that provides provides full-text searches of digitized back issues of over one thousand journals, dating back to 1665 for some. Can be searched by discipline, title or publisher. (See Remote Access Codes)
Proquest's SIRS (Cross Curriculum Research Tools) Includes Renaissance, Researcher and WebSelect. (See Remote Access Codes)
MTHS' Reference Ebook Collections 

Ebsco's eBook Subscription: Includes over 150,000 ebooks.
Free E-Books and Online Journals
Archives - Online Books in the Public Domain

The Internet Archive
The Internet Archive, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form

Project Gutenberg 
Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks. Michael Hart, founder of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and continues to inspire the creation of eBooks and related technologies today.
E-Books Directory  
A daily growing list of freely downloadable ebooks, documents and lecture notes found all over the internet.

Website Evaluation Criteria - The Six (6) basic criteria to evaluate websites