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Monroe Township High School

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Policies & Procedures



Checkout Procedures

- Books are checked out for a two week period. 
- Reference Books do not circulate.
- Materials may be renewed. 
- Students need to show their ID at checkout.
- Materials from designated book carts may only be checked out with permission from the teacher.
- There is no limit on the number of materials that students are permitted to checkout.
Late Materials

- There is no charge for overdue materials, however if a book/item is overdue, please return ASAP.

- Students must abide by Monroe Township School District's Acceptable Use Policy
for Access to Information, Software and Computing
Center Use

-Students must have a pass from a subject teacher.
-Students are expected to sign-in and sign-out of the media center using the Kiosk at the circulation desk.
-Neither food nor drink is permitted.
-Do not disrupt ongoing classes.

- Mr. Hinz and Mrs. Storm are always available to assist with student and teacher requests.