1980s Alumni
Kim (Alfano) Paciotti |
Carol (Calabrese) Rutherford |
Ann Marie ( Cary) Chojnacki |
Kim (Kokal) Busco |
David Jensen |
Steve Kijak |
Jo-Ann (Kuiper) Steely |
Barbara Lynn (Mazzi) Caldwell |
Timothy McDevitt |
Nancy Morales |
Tracy (Vaughn) Broderick |
Carlene (Bieber) Balickie |
Cathleen Bieber |
Sandra (Dipierro) Grubbs Dan Connor |
Michele (Karkoska) Blandino |
Lynda-Ann(Patrick) Malmstadt |
Roxanne Marie (Mazzi) Butler |
John Barnes |
Helene (Bosch) Weyland |
Tim Connor |
Sharon Cost |
Diana P. (Dipierro) McAuliffe |
Dean Daringer |
daringerdp@consultant.com |
Kim Gordon |
Felicia (Hunt) Mazzio |
Sharon ( Jordan) Leicht |
Carla (Lipke) Nale |
Dino Quaglietta |
Suzanne (Santoro) Kilkenny |
Laura (Turk) Essex |
Robin M. (Varga) Van Cleaf |
Edna (Warden) Swafford |
Thomas Breitweiser |
Darren Hernandez |
Richard Konopko |
Deborah (Phillips) Privetera |
deborahphillipsprivetera@yahoo.com |
Roseann (Monello) Koval |
April C. Schauer |
Carmela (Tamburrino) Zareski |
Suzy (Turcus) Pratt |
Michael Appelstein |
Diane (Ballotta) Benn | dbenn66@gmail.com |
Dawn (Barnes) Orrick |
Nancy (Blanchett) Bourne |
Paul Casieri |
Carla Douglas |
Terri (Giordano) Brown |
Sharon (Gordon) DeMarco |
sademarco@comcast.net(home) |
Michele (Hensel) Nardella |
Jackie (Munitz) Prignano |
Angel (Noble) Adams |
Lori (Palladino) Derco |
Christina (Sullivan) Byrne |
Beth (Toomey) Dover |
Charlene (Weber) Carcich |
Michael Chiara |
Ken Helsby |
Dawn (Herbstman) Rousseau |
Christine (Kristy) Ker |
Debbie (Loughlin) Davidson |
Anna (Long) McElhaney |
Brian Palmer |
Brian Pearsall, Sr. |
Christine (Rapisarda) Linke |
Deborah Walker |
Robert Wilson |
Sal Aversano |
Douglas Cerbie |
Eric Clemente |
Robert Golino |
Alan Hensel |
Beth (Horin) Welsh |
Lisa (Hummel) Toomer |
Jeff Isaacs |
Robin (Keiner) Singer |
Tina (Meyer) Carkhuff |
Cindy (Pfeifer) Kordish |
Kelly (McHale) Taylor |
Joshua Newman |
Thomas Picciolo |
Darlene E. Rinaldi |
Michael Alvarez |
Dawn Collins |
Dana (Costa) Totten |
Michelle (Dipierro) Fairey |
David J. Farina |
Joey Golino |
James Helge |
Brian Kraut |
Tom Labombarda |
Anthony Lena |
Michael J. Longo |
Anthony Mercado |
Lisa Monello |
Michael O'Halloran |
Cynthia (Pavero) Hopkins |
Cora (Peterson) Fuzy |
Lori (Rincavage) Bennett |
Peter Santopietro |
Jim Scerbo |
George Turk |
Tom Antal |
Derek Sean Artz |
Shawn Baldwin |
Kris Barone |
Denise (Brown) Haystrand |
Nicholas Christie |
Kelly (Glancy) Whit |
Mike Gordon |
Amy (Lubinsky) Herring |
Kimberly (Hooks) Iannarella |
kimi@gtemail.net(Home) |
Tom Mirande |
Wendy (Mortensen) Cerbie |
Sharon ( Montgomery) Clark |
Lori Reiner |
John Rosato |
Francine (Sankner) Morales |
Sam Savage |
Lisa (Tolve) Powell |
Michelle Trentacoste |
Shannon Vercher |
Meredith ( Wilson) Crawford |
mcrawford@na2.us.ml.com(Work) |
Grace Yeung |
Wendy Billig-Abdalla |
Christopher J. Blotto |
(Home) cblotto@aol.com |
Christopher wrote: I am the President of the Dan Ryan Foundation which is an organization that raises money for children with cancer. Our foundation rewards 2 MTHS seniors with a scholarship every year in the name of Danny Ryan, a MTHS grad from the class of 1987 who lost a battle with Leukemia in 1995. If anyone would like more info about the scholarship or the foundation, he/she can access our webpage at http://www.dprf.org/ | |
Michael Czarnecki |
Andrea Eichhorn Bullock |
Stacey (Milza) Frank |
Dwayne Fitzpatric |
Lynda Grogan |
Jim Horowitz |
Dan Isaacs |
Stuart Keiner |
Kimberly (Lance) Nicoll |
Rob Longo |
Michele Macys |
Gina Matarangelo |
Michael McBride |
Timothy Miller |
Mike Motta |
Christina Turak Zelenke |
Joseph Vahabzadeh |
Christie Zebrowski |
Susan Zibbe |
Lori Zimmerman-Dilkes |
Rose Chamberlain |