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Monroe Township High School

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Mathematics Department


At Monroe Township High School students are required to complete four years of mathematics in order to graduate. Students take three years in their traditional mathematics sequence and are able to choose their fourth-year requirement from either the traditional sequence or an alternative course. The fourth year may be satisfied by taking a traditional course such as Pre-Calculus, Probability and Statistics, or Calculus Honors. Alternate fourth year courses include: Accounting, Computers and Business, or Computer Science courses.  Students may select from three preparatory sequences depending on their interests and goals: the dynamics sequence, the college preparatory sequence, and the honors college preparatory sequence.  Advanced placement offerings include: AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, and several AP Computer Science courses. Other mathematics electives include: Computer Programming, Probability & Statistics. The mathematics department offers individual help to all students after school, Monday through Thursday, from 2:20 to 3:20 PM in G305.  Students may drop in to receive help from two certified math teachers – no appointment is necessary.

The mathematics department is very proud of its staff, programs, and continued development of innovative mathematics instruction.   The mathematics department is at the forefront of technology use. All teachers maintain a Schoology page to post information about the course, worksheets, and assignments. Our textbooks are eTexts that can be accessed from any technological device, and provide students with extra assistance if needed. Instructors use STEM focused websites, instructional videos, and applications to enhance their courses. All students have access to online graphing calculators on their technological devices and TI-84 Plus handheld graphing calculators within each of their mathematics classrooms. Outside the classroom, interested students may participate in the Mathlete competitions throughout Central Jersey. This activity is under the direction of Ms. Sarah O'Neill

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Ms. Kwitkoski or any other member of the department.