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Monroe Township High School

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Health & Physical Education Department

The Health and Physical Education Program at Monroe Township High School is a cutting edge, thoughtfully designed program that provides our students with a wide variety of meaningful health related experiences. 

  • The Freshmen Health Physical Education course is a focus on curriculum based activities that provides students a variety of activities that promote decision making, teamwork, personal fitness and overall healthy lifestyle choices. Freshmen are taught CPR/AED skills and may choose to be American Heart Association CPR/AED certified. Freshman health is a focus on decision making and sexual health (see the Freshman Health section for details)
  • Sophomore students will take General Physical Education or may choose to explore our Rythmic Movement course (see our electives section for details) Sophomore students receive Driver's Education and take the NJ DMV permit exam at the conclusion of the course.
  • Junior students can choose to take General Physical Education which focuses  on lifestyle fitness activities or may choose to take our amazing Strength and Conditioning class or our fun, unique Rythmic Movement course (see electives section for details) Juniors will explore Fitness and Nutrition in their Health curriculum. Students will also be taught CPR/AED, First Aid and may opt to be AHA certified.
  • Senior Students can take general Physical Eduction which main focus is on lifetime fitness activities or may apply for our Nationally acclaimed Unified Physical Education course 'Falcon P.A.L.S.' (see Unfied PE side bar section), Strength and Conditioning or Rythmic Movement (see electives section) Seniors explore Married/Single Adult living, planning and budgeting in Senior Health. 


In addition, to the Physical Education credit requirement students can elect to take Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries and Teen PEP (Teen Education Prevention)-Please see elective section for detailes.