1. Health Triangle
a. Physical Health
b. Mental Health
c. Social Health
2. Influences on Health
a. Heredity
b. Environment
c. Attitude
d. behavior
e. Media/technology
3. Identifying Health Risks
a. Behaviors
b. Reduction
4. Making healthful Decisons
a. Values
b. Decision Making
c. Goal setting
1. short term
2. long term
5. Tabacco/Alcohol/Drug use
a. health risks
b. types
c. effects
d. treatments
e. mental/social/physical impact
6. Mental/Emotional/Social Health
a. Development
b. Benefits
c. Self Actualization
d. Character
e. Mental Disorders
1. prevention of depression
2. recognize
3. treatment
4. Suicide prevention
7. Healthy Relationships
a. Respect of self and others
b. Tolerance of differences
c. anti bullying
d. Family relationships
e. Friendships
g. Peer groups/pressure
h. Dating
1. Healthy dating relationships
2. Dating Violence
8. Sexual Health
a. Reproductive Systems
b. Sexual Decision Making
1. Abstinence only 100% way of avoiding pregnancy, STIs and HIV
2. Contraception
c. Pregnancy
1. Physiological impact
2. Emotional/social impact
d. STI's
1. Types
2. diagnosis
3. Treatment
e. HIV
1. Definition
2. transmission
3. Stages
4. Diagnosis
5. Treatment
All students are required to complete grade level appropriate health as mandated by the NJDOE.
Our freshman curriculum places an emphasis on abstinence and the decision-making process. We provide students with information that includes choices and consequences that are inescapable when a couple makes the decision to engage in sexual activity. Students are taught how to assess the considerations that go into making responsible decisions regarding risky behaviors that can lead to pregnancy, STI’s and HIV transmission.
If you feel that these lessons may interfere with your personal, moral, or religious beliefs, please click on the orange link below to download the waiver. Your child should bring the signed waiver to their Health and PE teacher prior to the start of their Health Class. Your child will be responsible for completing alternate assignments when these lessons are presented. Your child will attend and complete all other health lessons as prescribed by the curriculum.
New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. Health literacy is an integral component of 21st century education. Healthy students are learners who are “knowledgeable, productive, and also emotionally and physically healthy, motivated, civically engaged, prepared for work and economic self-sufficiency, and ready for the world beyond their own borders” (ASCD, 2004). As part of the state’s initiative to prepare students to function optimally as global citizens and workers, the contemporary view of health and physical education focuses on taking personal responsibility for one’s health through an active, healthy lifestyle that fosters a lifelong commitment to wellness. The mission and vision for comprehensive health and physical education reflects this perspective:
Mission: Knowledge of health and physical education concepts and skills empowers students to assume lifelong responsibility to develop physical, social, and emotional wellness.
Vision: A quality comprehensive health and physical education program fosters a population that:
Maintains physical, social, and emotional health by practicing healthy behaviors and goal setting.
Engages in a physically active lifestyle.
Is knowledgeable about health and wellness and how to access health resources.
Recognizes the influence of media, technology, and culture in making informed health-related decisions as a consumer of health
products and services.
Practices effective cross-cultural communication, problem solving, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills.
Is accepting and respectful of individual and cultural differences.
Advocates for personal, family, community, and global wellness and is knowledgeable about national and international public health
and safety issues.
Intent and Spirit of the Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Standards
All students participate in a comprehensive, sequential, health and physical education program that emphasizes the natural interdisciplinary connection between wellness and health and physical education. The standards provide a blueprint for curriculum development, instruction, and assessment that reflects the latest research-based platform for effective health and physical education programs. The primary focus of the standards is on the development of knowledge and skills that influence healthy behaviors within the context of self, family, school, and the local and global