Monroe Township High School Tutoring Opportunities
After School Tutoring Schedule
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
**All 3 help sessions will run from 2:20-3:50 pm |
- Biology Lab F317 **Will run from 2:20-3:50 pm |
**All 3 help sessions will run from 2:20-3:50 pm |
*The After School Science Testing Center will be held in room F318 from 2:20-3:50 pm Monday-Thursday.
World Language Lab (Speak with teacher for Spanish, French, Italian, Latin dates) will meet on Tuesday
2:20 - 3:20pm in room F306
CMAC will meet Monday - Thursday
2:20 - 3:20pm in room G303
History Forum will meet Tuesday and Thursday
2:20 - 3:20pm in room G307
The Writing Lab will meet Monday - Thursday
2:20 - 3:20pm in room G308
The Testing Centers are open Monday - Thursday from 2:20 - 3:20pm
Room F305 - History, Language Arts, World Language
Room G306 - Science, Math, Industrial Arts, Foods, Arts, Business, FCS,& Physical Education
*Should there be a faculty or department meeting, the Testing Center will open at 2:45 - 3:45pm
Freshmen Enrichment (specifically for freshmen students) - will meet Tuesday and Thursday
- Language Arts - G305
- Algebra 1 - G335
- World History -G337
- Biology - F317