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Monroe Township High School

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Summer School & Summer Programs

Summer Programs
Summer School
Summer Advancement
  Summer School Remedial Programs

Remediation summer school programs serve students with difficulty mastering required core content. Students may lack the required prerequisites needed to graduate from one level to the next. Students have the option to recover lost credits at an approved summer school program. Students may need to take a credit recovery course (60 hour program) or a comprehensive summer course (120 hour program) based on their final grade. Please contact your child's counselor for more information on programs offered through our neighboring school districts.

An approval form must be completed and submitted to your child’s counselor. Click the Summer School Remedial Program Button above for additional information & required forms.
Summer School for Advancement

Monroe Township High School recognizes that some students want to challenge themselves academically beyond the classroom. Students may enroll in an approved math or science advancement course over the summer. Students who elect this option must show evidence of a final grade of 80 or better in the summer course and must receive a grade of 80 or better on the district final examination in order to advance to the next course.

Please note that summer courses for advancement will not be included on the Student’s Transcript and the final grade will not be calculated into the student’s grade point average. This option will allow students to move into a higher level math or science course for the upcoming school year.
An approval form must be completed and submitted to your child’s counselor. Click the Summer School Advancement Program Button above for additional information & required forms.   
 Pre-College Summer Program
A number of Pre-College and/or Summer Enrichment Programs are available during the summer. These programs offer high school students the opportunity to experience college first-hand by allowing students to enroll in a summer pre-college class. Student can enroll in a college-level course of their interest.Some programs may allow students to gain academic credit which may be applied to a future degree. Please Click the Pre-College Button above for more information.