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Financial Aid Resources

Financial Aid Night for Senior Applying to College

Financial Aid HESAA Powerpoint 

FASFA Webpage
FASFA Tutorial


The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (known as the FAFSA) is a form that can be prepared annually by college students to determine eligibility for student financial aid. Financial aid is need-based assistance for eligible students that consists of grants and scholarships, low-interest government-subsidized loans, work-study, and education tax benefits to help families pay for college.

NJ STAR Program

The New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (NJ STARS) Program is an initiative created by the State of New Jersey that provides New Jersey’s highest achieving students with free tuition at their home county college for the first two years and award scholarship in the NJ Stars Program II at a four-year college/university. See links for additional information and eligibility. 

The Student Loan Guide
A Guide to Choosing your College Path
State & Federal Financial Aid
NJ Class Loan
HESAA, the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, is the New Jersey state agency with the sole mission of providing students and families with financial and informational resources for students to pursue their education beyond high school.

Need-based programs: The New Jersey Tuition Aid Grant (TAG), Part-time TAG for County College Students, the Governor's Urban Scholarship Program, and the Governor's Industry Vocations Scholarship (NJ-GIVS)

Merit-based programs: New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (NJ STARS and NJ STARS II)

New Jersey’s 529 college savings plan: The New Jersey Better Education Savings Trust (NJBEST)

New Jersey College Loans to Assist State Students (NJCLASS)