PSAT- Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test
PSAT and NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test)
The PSAT/NMSQT is a standardized test providing essential practice for the SAT. It also helps determine eligibility for scholarships from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Remember, PSAT/NMSQT results are not used by colleges for admission decisions.
Taking an official PSAT/NMSQT practice test is an excellent way to simulate test day. By scoring and analyzing your mistakes, you can improve your future performance.
What it Evaluates
The PSAT/NMSQT evaluates skills in three critical areas:
- Critical Reading
- Mathematics
- Writing
In addition to providing a practice test experience, it gives valuable feedback to help students improve skills essential for SAT success, college readiness, and future careers.
For more details, visit the official College Board PSAT page.
How to Practice for the PSAT using Khan Academy
Khan Academy offers free, personalized SAT preparation that is a great way to practice for the PSAT as well. You can access thousands of practice questions, watch instructional videos, and take practice tests.
Here are some key features:
- Personalized SAT practice based on your PSAT scores
- Detailed feedback on each practice question
- Video lessons to reinforce key concepts and strategies
To get started, visit the official Khan Academy SAT prep website and create a free account.
Get Your PSAT Scores
Once you take the PSAT, you can check your scores on the College Board website. Here’s a quick link to access your results: